Skilled. Personal. Caring.
Statement of Purpose
Our aims and values:
At Caringlinks, our aim is to provide comprehensive, friendly, and professional home care services that prioritise the health and well-being of our service users. Since 2013, we have been committed to shaping our caregiving services based on the needs and desires of our service users, their families, and their health professionals.
We are an investor in people organisation and our aim and primary objectives are to provide an exceptional care service as follows:
Quality of care: To provide safe, effective, and compassionate care that meets the highest standards.
Independence: To support service users in maintaining their independence and dignity.
Choice: To empower service users to make informed decisions about their care.
To provide and holistic approach: To address physical, emotional, and social needs.
Collaboration: To work closely with other healthcare professionals and agencies. To work closely with our team of dedicated carers listen to and respect their opinions.
We are proud to be part of our community, supporting individuals to live as independently as possible. At Caringlinks, nothing matters more than service users’ health and well-being.
We aim to provide our service users with a comprehensive service of care of the highest quality within their own home environment. We strive to offer a competitive, flexible, efficient, professional service which is tailored to meet each person’s individual needs.
Support objectives:
We will treat each service user with dignity and respect and remain sensitive to their individual needs and abilities and aim to promote the service user’s independence, privacy, and lifestyle.
Offer skilled care to enable people to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.
Treat all people who work for and are supported by Caring Links Ltd and all people who always visit with respect.
Support individual choice and personal decision-making as the right of all service users.
To safeguard from abuse and harm
To respect values, beliefs, and opinions.
Respect and encourage the right of independence of all service users.
Recognise the individual uniqueness of service users, and visitors, and always treat people with dignity and respect.
To always respect individual requirement for privacy and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of Service Users.
How we will achieve our aims and objectives:
We will comply with the standards laid out by the Care Quality Commission to offer a service that is:
We will obtain your feedback and that of others to ask your opinion of the service provided. We will take on board suggestions and use this for quality assurance and ways to improve the care given and how we can improve the business.
To employ a quality workforce, we will recruit staff that demonstrate the values necessary for this profession. Carry out the required DBS checks and work history. We will provide continuous training for staff for the skills required to enable safe and effective care to be delivered.
We will maintain a strong leadership and management team that are dependable and approachable.
We will carry out quality monitoring of our home care support service delivery and regularly review our policies and procedures.
We will promote evidence-based practice.
We will welcome complaints and comments to help drive forward improvements to our service which will enable us to better meet their needs.
To meet assessed needs. Before we provide services, we will ensure that a potential service user needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. Together with the service user / family care plans will be reviewed on an individual basis to enable us to meet any changes in needs.
We will continually review our processes and disseminate information and learning to the team.
April 2024
Caringlinks Ltd was established by Karen Bardoe in 2011 to respond to the needs of a growing number of people who required care at home, because of their increasing age, illness, or disability or who find it difficult to cope with domestic responsibilities or their own personal care needs.
Caringlinks provides domiciliary care services (personal care, home support) to clients living in their own homes within Derby and Derbyshire.
Caringlinks currently contracts with:
Derbyshire Social services.
Derby and Derbyshire Continuing Health Care.
Derby City Social Services.
Privately funded clients.
Caringlinks is a limited Company with two directors:
Karen Bardoe
Martin Bardoe
Registered provider details:
Name: Caringlinks Ltd
Address: Unit 9 Kedleston House
Kedleston Business Centre
Aspen Drive
DE21 7SS
Telephone 01332 824442
Company registration no 06466229
CQC Registered provider ID: 1-187123
CQC location ID: 1-3093205160
Our aims and values:
At Caringlinks, our aim is to provide comprehensive, friendly, and professional home care services that prioritise the health and well-being of our service users. Since 2013, we have been committed to shaping our caregiving services based on the needs and desires of our service users, their families, and their health professionals.
We are an investor in people organisation and our aim and primary objectives are to provide an exceptional care service as follows:
Quality of care: To provide safe, effective, and compassionate care that meets the highest standards.
Independence: To support service users in maintaining their independence and dignity.
Choice: To empower service users to make informed decisions about their care.
To provide and holistic approach: To address physical, emotional, and social needs.
Collaboration: To work closely with other healthcare professionals and agencies. To work closely with our team of dedicated carers listen to and respect their opinions.
We are proud to be part of our community, supporting individuals to live as independently as possible. At Caringlinks, nothing matters more than service users’ health and well-being.
We aim to provide our service users with a comprehensive service of care of the highest quality within their own home environment. We strive to offer a competitive, flexible, efficient, professional service which is tailored to meet each person’s individual needs.
Support objectives:
We will treat each client with dignity and respect and remain sensitive to their individual needs and abilities and aim to promote the service user’s independence, privacy, and lifestyle.
Offer skilled care to enable people to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.
Treat all people who work for and are supported by Caring Links Ltd and all people who always visit with respect.
Support individual choice and personal decision-making as the right of all service users.
To safeguard from abuse and harm
To respect values, beliefs, and opinions.
Respect and encourage the right of independence of all service users.
Recognise the individual uniqueness of service users, and visitors, and always treat people with dignity and respect.
To always respect individual requirement for privacy and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of Service Users.
How we will achieve our aims and objectives:
We will comply with the standards laid out by the Care Quality Commission to offer a service that is:
We will obtain your feedback and that of others to ask your opinion of the service provided. We will take on board suggestions and use this for quality assurance and ways to improve the care given and how we can improve the business.
To employ a quality workforce, we will recruit staff that demonstrate the values necessary for this profession. Carry out the required DBS checks and work history. We will provide continuous training for staff for the skills required to enable safe and effective care to be delivered.
We will maintain a strong leadership and management team that are dependable and approachable.
We will carry out quality monitoring of our home care support service delivery and regularly review our policies and procedures.
We will promote evidence-based practice.
We will welcome complaints and comments to help drive forward improvements to our service which will enable us to better meet their needs.
To meet assessed needs. Before we provide services, we will ensure that a potential service user needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. Together with the service user /family care plans will be reviewed on an individual basis to enable us to meet any changes in needs.
We will continually review our processes and disseminate information and learning to the team.
Description of services
Caring links provides domiciliary care services (personal care, home support) to clients living in their own homes within Derby and Derbyshire.
Regulated activities
We are registered for the following regulated activities:
• Personal Care
Service type
The type of service we provide is:
• Domiciliary Care
Service users.
The people we provide a care service to are as follows:
Adults Aged 18-65
• Adults Aged 65+
• Mental Health
• Physical Disability
• Dementia • Sensory Impairment
Details of Registered Provider, Responsible Individual and
Registered Manager, responsible individual
Name: Karen Gillian Bardoe
Address Unit 9 Kedleston House
Kedleston Business Centre
Aspen Drive
DE21 7SS
CQC Registered manager ID: 1-187123202
Qualifications: Post Graduate Certificate of Inter-Professional Teaching Mentoring and Assessing, MSC, BSC (hons) Nursing Studies, Nurse mentor registered with NMC, RN/DIP/HE, Registered Managers Award, A1 award, V1 award, Nurse lecturer Derby University. Trainer
Experience: Registered General Nurse (retired) with a BSc (hons) degree in Nursing studies, Nurse lecturer and Practice Nurse Educator; RMA award and has been a manager of a 42-bed nursing home. Manager of a Company which delivers training in the Care Home and Domiciliary Care Sector. Registered Mentor with the NMC and qualified HSC assessor and internal verifier with A1 and V1 awards.
Responsible nominated individual
Emma Jervis
Address Unit 9 Kedleston House
Kedleston Business Centre
Aspen Drive
DE21 7SS
Telephone Number 01332-824442
Staff Profile
A list of current staff and their qualifications is available on request. The staff allocated to support service users will be matched with their skills to their needs.
Staffing levels may be changed at the discretion of the Manager if there are needs.
Care staff work on a rota system which ensures that the service is staffed by the appropriate number of staff and skill mix, including weekends and public holidays. New employees are inducted to National Training Organisation standards to obtain the care certificate within 12 weeks of employment. We manage and train our employees with the aim that all our carers achieve NVQ level 2 or above in their role. All employees receive full training and are provided with the appropriate personal protective equipment. (PPE)
Caringlinks Ltd is insured to meet the requirements of Employers and Public Liability for the recommended amounts.
Making a Complaint and Giving Compliments
We believe that complaints and compliments are a valuable indicator of quality of service, and an opportunity to improve that quality. We assure all service users that no-one will be victimised for making a complaint, and we encourage Service Users to instigate the complaints procedure whenever they feel that this is necessary. We do not wish to confine complaints to significant issues. We encourage service users to comment when quite minor matters are a problem to them, such as receiving cold food, or being kept waiting without explanation, or being treated disrespectfully. It is our policy that all matters which disturb or upset a service user should be reported, recorded, and corrective action taken. Only in that way can we work towards meeting our aim of continuously improving our service.
Our commitment is that:
All complaints will be taken seriously.
All complaints will be acted upon with fairness and impartiality.
You will receive a response within 24 hours of the complaint being made, and a final reply within 28 days.
If the complaint is upheld, they will receive a written apology and appropriate action will be taken to rectify the complaint.
Service users are entitled to involve an impartial third party in the complaint procedure if they so wish.
Service users and their representatives may take their complaints to persons in authority outside the Agency. For service users funded all or in part by Social Services or the Primary Care Trust, complaints may in the first instance be directed to the appropriate body. For privately funded clients, a range of advocacy services are available locally and they will be pleased to help you deal with the complaint. In the event of a significant issue and or complaint, they should contact the CQC.
If you they feel that the complaint has not been dealt with to their satisfaction, they have the right to take these further details below.
Care Quality Commission National Correspondence
Citygate, Gallowgate
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA
Tel: 03000 616161
Fax: 03000 616171
Director of Social Services
Social Services
County Hall
Matlock DE4 3AG
Tel: 01629 533190
Derby and Derbyshire CCG
Cardinal Square
3rd Floor North Point,
10 Nottingham Road,
Derby DE1 3QT
East Midlands
Tel: 01332 401821 or email
Tel: 01332 401821 :
The Ombudsman:
The Local Government Ombudsman
PO Box 4771
Coventry. CV4 0EH
Tel: 0845 602 1983 or 024 7682 1960
Fax: 024 7682 0001
Service Users will be given access to external agents who will act in their interests to help them solve problems, discuss concerns etc. The Registered Manager will be happy to provide information on local advocacy groups and other support networks.
Derbyshire Advocacy Service
RTC Business Park
Kelvin House Third Floor
London Road
Derby DE24 8UP
Tel: 01332 206505
Other documents
You are invited to review the latest CQC inspection report of Caringlinks, and the latest summary of Service Users’ and Service Users families’ views on the services offered. (These are not included in this pack because they rapidly become out of date). The manager can provide up to date reports at any time upon request. Our latest CQC report can be accessed via our website
This statement of purpose is available in large print, produced on coloured paper, Braille and other languages if req
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