Skilled. Personal. Caring.
Statement of Purpose
Our aims and values:
At CaringLinks, our aim is to provide comprehensive, friendly, and professional home care services that prioritise the health and well-being of our service users. Since 2013, we have been committed to shaping our caregiving services based on the needs and desires of our service users, their families, and their health professionals.
We are an investor in people organisation and our aim and primary objectives are to provide an exceptional care service as follows:
Quality of care: To provide safe, effective, and compassionate care that meets the highest standards.
Independence: To support service users in maintaining their independence and dignity.
Choice: To empower service users to make informed decisions about their care.
To provide and holistic approach: To address physical, emotional, and social needs.
Collaboration: To work closely with other healthcare professionals and agencies. To work closely with our team of dedicated carers listen to and respect their opinions.
We are proud to be part of our community, supporting individuals to live as independently as possible. At Caringlinks, nothing matters more than service users’ health and well-being.
We aim to provide our service users with a comprehensive service of care of the highest quality within their own home environment. We strive to offer a competitive, flexible, efficient, professional service which is tailored to meet each person’s individual needs.
Support objectives:
We will treat each service user with dignity and respect and remain sensitive to their individual needs and abilities and aim to promote the service user’s independence, privacy, and lifestyle.
Offer skilled care to enable people to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.
Treat all people who work for and are supported by Caring Links Ltd and all people who always visit with respect.
Support individual choice and personal decision-making as the right of all service users.
To safeguard from abuse and harm
To respect values, beliefs, and opinions.
Respect and encourage the right of independence of all service users.
Recognise the individual uniqueness of service users, and visitors, and always treat people with dignity and respect.
To always respect individual requirement for privacy and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of Service Users.
How we will achieve our aims and objectives:
We will comply with the standards laid out by the Care Quality Commission to offer a service that is:​​​​​
We will obtain your feedback and that of others to ask your opinion of the service provided. We will take on board suggestions and use this for quality assurance and ways to improve the care given and how we can improve the business.
To employ a quality workforce, we will recruit staff that demonstrate the values necessary for this profession. Carry out the required DBS checks and work history. We will provide continuous training for staff for the skills required to enable safe and effective care to be delivered.
We will maintain a strong leadership and management team that are dependable and approachable.
We will carry out quality monitoring of our home care support service delivery and regularly review our policies and procedures.
We will promote evidence-based practice.
We will welcome complaints and comments to help drive forward improvements to our service which will enable us to better meet their needs.
To meet assessed needs. Before we provide services, we will ensure that a potential service user needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. Together with the service user / family care plans will be reviewed on an individual basis to enable us to meet any changes in needs.
We will continually review our processes and disseminate information and learning to the team.